Parts of Speech Examples, Definitions and Types

Different types of Words are divided into 8 categories. This division is known as Parts of Speech. Let’s check out parts of speech examples, definitions and Types.

    Parts of  Speech

(शब्द – भेद)

(भाषा का खंडन)

There are 8 parts of Speech

1. Noun (संज्ञा):

The noun is the name of anything.

    किसी भी वस्तु के नाम को संज्ञा कहते है।

  OR A Word having a name is called noun.

Parts of Speech Examples of Noun

Ram, Patna, Ganga, Ghee, Honesty etc

Parts of Speech Examples Video Lecture

Video Credit: Learn Easy English Youtube Channel

There are five kinds of noun




Proper Noun

Certain Name

Ram, Ganga, Patna, Alia, India e.t.c

Common Noun

Common Name

Book, table, school, river, girl, boy e.t.c

Collective Noun

Collection Name

Mob, classroom, army, police , cattle etc.

Material Noun

Name of Thing

ghee. oil, coffee, iron, bread, water, sugar e.t.c

Abstract Noun

Feeling Name

 adulthood, honesty, goodness, brotherhood e.t.c

a.Proper Noun: The word denoting any particular name is called a Proper Noun.

Examples: Ram, Ganga, Patna, Alia, India e.t.c

b.Common Noun: The word which shows a common name is called Common Noun.

Examples: Book, table, school, river, girl, boy e.t.c

Difference between Proper and Common Nouns

   Proper Noun

 Common Noun





Alia Bhatt






c.Collective Noun: The noun showing the collection is called a Collective Noun.

 Examples: Mob, classroom, army, police, cattle, a crew of sailors, a team of players, a class of students e.t.c

d.Material Noun: A noun that is either sold or purchased is called Material Noun.

 OR A noun that is either weighed or measured is called a material noun

Examples: ghee. oil, coffee, iron, bread, water, sugar e.t.c

e.Abstract Noun: The noun which can neither be touched nor seen but felt only is called Abstract Noun.

Examples: Childhood, adulthood, honesty, goodness, brotherhood e.t.c

Parts of Speech Examples: Modern Classification of Noun

a.Proper Noun 

 b. Countable Noun 

c.Uncountable Noun

2. Pronoun (सर्वनाम)

  A word  that replaces a noun is called a Pronoun

 OR The word that comes from a noun is called a Pronoun


Ram is a good boy

He is a good boy

The toy is very costly

It is very costly

Ram and Shyam are friends

They are friends

3. Adjective (विशेषण)

An adjective is a word that qualifies as a noun or a pronoun in a sentence.

OR The word which shows goodness or badness is called an adjective.


Ram is a good boy

This is a fast train

They have 10 coins

4. Verb:

A word that shows the action and state of a being are called a verb.


He is going to Patna.

He is 20 years old.

I have played cricket.


Principal Verb   

Auxiliary Verb

Main Verb 

 Helping Verb 


He is going to Patna

Suman has a car

Alia Bhatt was going to Mumbai

Nathasa Dalal has a B.M.W car

Note1: If any sentence has two verbs then the first is a helping verb and the second one is the main verb.

 Note 2: If a sentence has a single verb then it is always the main verb.

5.Adverb (क्रियाविशेषण)

It is a word that qualifies as a verb, adjective or adverb


This flower is very beautiful.

Sonam solved the sum quickly.

He runs very slowly.

6.Preposition (सम्बन्धबोधक अव्यय)

A preposition is a word that is generally placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with some other words in the sentence


Kamya is fond of music

Ayansh sat on the last bench

My friend is in the park

7.Conjunction (समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय)

A conjunction is a word that connects two words, sentences, phrases, and clauses.


Give me a pen and paper

I am going to Patna because my friend is there.

Geeta is beautiful but Rani is Intelligent.

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8.Interjection (विस्मयबोधक अव्यय)

The words showing the sudden feeling of either happiness or sadness are called interjections.


Oh! you are here.

Alas! I were the Prime Minister of India.

Hurrah! We have won the match.

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